Jack Karlsson

Jack Karlsson

Jack is a part time blogger and part time student who's writing on this blog to help people have a more ergonomic workspace and get more done. Jack has got experience with several other businesses, but found this blog to be his thing, and what he wants to stick with.

Do Laptop Stands Help Cooling?

do laptop stands help cooling

Here’s a mind-blowing stat for you: laptops can reach temperatures of up to 100°C (212°F) under heavy load. That’s why so many of us are turning to laptop stands as a potential cooling solution. But do laptop stands help cooling…

How Do Laptop Stands Work?

how do laptop stands work

The laptop stand is a simple yet ingenious solution that’s a game changer in our work-from-home setups. But you’re wondering “How do laptop stands work?” Well, let’s dive in and unravel the mystery behind laptop stands, exploring how they can…

Are Laptop Stands Good for Wrists?

are laptop stands good for wrists

As more people work from home or on the go with laptop stands, the question “Are laptop stands good for wrists?” has never been more relevant. In this article, we’ll dive into the world of ergonomics and explore how these…

7 Disadvantages of Laptop Stands

disadvantages of laptop stand

Laptop stands have become a go-to accessory for many remote workers and digital nomads, promising improved posture and enhanced productivity. But are there only pros to using them? Today, we’re diving into some often-overlooked disadvantages of laptop stand. Also, read…